One Thing 4/30/18

Isaiah 33:6 NASB
[6] And He will be the stability of your times…

I love this verse and it has been a source of great joy and comfort for me for many years. Whatever season you might be going through in any area of your life God himself is your stability. Your financial stability does not depend on the stock market or the paycheck, but God is the stability of your times. Your emotional stability has nothing to do with how you feel, but is completely dependent on Him being the stability of your times. If you remember my testimony that when I gave my life to Christ in 1976 I was suffering from clinical depression and clinical anxiety. I was healed when I discovered that Jesus Christ himself lives inside of me, not as some kind heavenly cheerleader, but that He had come to live inside of me to live his very life through me. Discovering that I was in Christ and therefore Christ is in me transformed my life. I remember years later contemplating how good it was to not suffer from depression and anxiety, and I remember telling the Lord that during those times when I felt so terrible that He certainly was the stability of my times. In response, he spoke very clearly to me and he said in words similar to this, “Chuck I was the stability of your times when you felt so bad, and in the short seasons when you come under attack and may feel bad since then, but I’m also the stability of your times when you feel great. Your feeling great does not represent the fact that you have become, in those moments the stability of your times, as opposed to those moments when you don’t feel great and you know I’m being the stability of your time. The truth is I am as much the stability of your times when you feel great or when you feel bad. It’s got nothing to do with how you feel, but only to do with who I AM, and My stability.” That was a real game changer for me when the Lord told me that, because I realized that any stability that I had was utterly dependent on him, in times of external peace and in times when there are attacks and warfare. When I feel good in my emotions it is not because suddenly I become stable, but he’s always underneath it all, underneath all the emotions, good or bad, the stability of my times. That is a wonderful truth to rest in, because the enemy can easily stir up your emotions, but if you remember that no matter what the enemy is doing on the outside, and that no matter how you feel inside, He the Lord our God is always being the stability of your time, so just praise Him.

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