One Thing 4/25/23 Freedom in our inadequacy

2 Corinthians 3:5 NASB95

Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God, This wonderful verse sums up the entire Christian life and liberates us from ever having to be bent toward ourselves again. “Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider ANYTHING as coming from ourselves.” The fact that sometimes we don’t feel like our faith is adequate is irrelevant because our adequacy comes from God, and the faith of Christ is adequate. It’s irrelevant that you don’t think your love for others, especially those who are difficult to love, is adequate because, being in Christ, the adequacy to love others with Christlike love comes from Jesus Himself. Do you feel like your patience isn’t very adequate, then trust in the adequacy of God’s patience. Do you go into social situations where sometimes you feel intimidated and inadequate? If that happens to you, then simply trust in the adequacy of Christ and then go forward. You don’t have to listen to those feelings and thoughts of inadequacy, allowing them to identify you, for Christ is your life, and you can simply ignore those feelings and thoughts, bringing everything captive to the obedience of Christ as you surrender to and trust in how He feels and thinks about everything. You never again have to feel guilty about feeling inadequate, and you never again have to allow those feelings and thoughts to bend you toward self-centered conclusions. Instead, allow the grace that is Christ Jesus Himself to bend you to the indwelling Jesus and His adequacy in all things.

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