One Thing 4/10/23 “I’ve been raised from the dead!!”

Romans 6:4-5

Sharing in his death by our baptism means that we were co-buried with him, so that when the Father’s glory raised Christ from the dead, we were also raised with him. We have been co-resurrected with him so that we could be empowered to walk in newness of life. [5] For since we are permanently grafted into His death, then we are permanently grafted into His same  resurrection and the new life that it imparts.

I have witnessed Jesus perform some amazing miracles, like blind eyes healed and death ears opened, but I have never seen anyone raised from the dead. I’ve heard others give testimonies about people being raised from the dead, but I have yet to actually see that happen but I believe I will.

 I was thinking though about what kind of testimony and anointing someone would carry who had been raised from the dead. I would imagine that when someone is raised the dead, there is a great manifestation of God’s tangible glory. I would also imagine that someone who had been raised from the dead, experiencing that kind of glory, wouldn’t have a hard time believing God for the miraculous in the lives of others. Any time I’ve ever heard someone who had experienced in their own life a great healing, they seemed to walk in such childlike faith in stewarding the miraculous for others.  All that is to say these thoughts drew me back to Romans 6:4 – 5 because these verses tell us that when Jesus was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we were too. When the glory of the Father burst forth in raising Jesus from the dead, His “being raised from the dead” testimony is your’s and my “being raised in the dead” testimony. I have experienced being raised from the dead, and so have you. Therefore having been “created in Christ Jesus” in His resurrection, we can walk in the good works He has prepared beforehand with a heightened childlike confidence and expectation of seeing the glory and the miraculous.

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