One Thing 2/5/15

Psa. 68:8 The earth quaked;
The heavens also dropped at the presence of God;
Sinai itself quaked at the presence of God, the God of Israel.

There is a legitimate longing in the body of Christ today to see an authentic manifestation of the signs and wonders ministry of Jesus. First Corinthians 14 even says that we’re to desire earnestly the gifts of the Spirit. Godly teachers and preachers are talking about the heavens coming down and releasing the supernatural power of heaven on the earth.
Our destiny though; actually our pre-destiny is that we would all be conformed to the image of Jesus, according to Romans 8:29. Everyone of us are called to be Christlike, and Christlikeness isn’t just about holiness and inward Christlike character, but it also involves a supernatural, signs and wonders Christlike ministry.
Having said all that, and having said that we are to desire earnestly the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit to be released in us and through us; our true calling, our primary purpose, is to seek His presence above all else. As a matter of fact, when we experientially, and consciously apprehend and walk in His manifest presence, all the other stuff comes with it.
Psalm 68:8 says, “The heavens also dropped at the presence of God.” Let that sink in; if you will make intimacy with Jesus, and His presence your chief pursuit in life, then the heavens will drop, and all the signs and wonders of the heavenly places will follow you. God wants us to live supernatural lives, but the Church makes a great mistake when they love His hand (all that He does) more than His face (all that He is). Presence comes first; power follows.

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