One Thing 2/27/14

2Cor. 2:14 ¶ But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place.

“Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing.” That us an old football saying that a famous coached coined years ago. Evidently the Apostle Paul felt the same way. Because he knew he was seated in the Heavenly Places In Christ, he lived life from a uniquely otherworldly perspective. He didn’t see things through the same lenses that most did or do. He saw things through the eyes of The Exalted Lamb, who sits on a throne that is high and lifted up. John, in Revelation 4, was invited to, in the midst of seeing humanities future laid out before him, to “Come up here and I will show you what must take place.” He was invited into the presence of The Lord, to gain Heaven’s perspective. At the center of a Believers outlook is a throne from which The King of Kings rules. From a Throne Room point of view Jesus Always wins, no matter how it may appear from ground level. Given time, the triumph of Christ always manifests itself. We don’t have to see it in the natural before we thank Him; we can go ahead and thank Him for triumph and victory because we’ve already seen it in the Throne Room. Before it is all resolved in your situation, go ahead and resolve to thank Him that He always leads you in His Triumph, including what you are going through in the present. See it with the eyes of your spirit, even if the eyes in your head can’t see it yet, and let the celebration begin.

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