One Thing 2/17/16

S.S. 4:1 “,How beautiful you are, my darling,
How beautiful you are!
Your eyes are like doves behind your veil;
S.S. 4:13b “Your temples are like a slice of a pomegranate behind your veil.”
S.S. 6:7, “Your temples are like a slice of pomegranate behind your veil.”

The veil represents that which separates the “hidden” life from the “public life.” The “hidden life” is that life we live in the “secret place;” seeking His face in prayer, and in the word. It is there that we cultivate “doves eyes,” and “temples like slices of pomegranates.” To have doves eyes is to learn to see things as The Holy Spirit sees them; that is to see with the eyes of Christ. It is only as we soak in His presence that our eyes are transformed to see reality from His heavenly perspective, but twice in the Song we are told that our temples (our thought life) are also transformed “behind the veil.” The Hebrew word for pomegranate means “rise up, or to be mounted up.” It was also believed that the pomegranate had 613 seeds, representing the 613 laws of the Talmud. Also if you notice a pomegranate, you will see that there’s a crown on top. As a matter fact, Solomon patterned his crown after the crown on the pomegranate. Therefore, to the Jews the pomegranate represented things that rose above, or are victoriously reigning, and also righteousness (because of the 613 seeds.)The church from its earliest days saw the sliced pomegranate representing the death and resurrection of Jesus. All of this is to say that the pomegranate represents that which is risen above (resurrection life); that which is victoriously reigning; and righteousness. Since the temple speaks of the thought life, these verses are saying that the mind of Christ, which is a victorious, reigning, and righteous mind, is cultivated behind the veil in the secret place. Every true spiritual battle has a frontline, and that frontline is in our thought life. If the victory is maintained there, then there will be no loses in the battle on any level. Our ability to see with Doves eyes, that is to be able to walk by faith, will be determined by whether or not we have the mind of Christ, all of which are cultivated behind the veil. The more we hear His voice, and behold His beauty behind the veil, the more we will think like Him, and therefore see like Him.

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