One Thing 2/6/23 Where He’s at, I am also


John 14:2-3 NASB95

In My Father’s house are many abiding places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. [3] If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive (take) you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.



Jesus went to the cross to provide an abiding place for us and His person. When we become a Christian, we do receive Christ into our life, but that is totally dependent on the fact that Jesus received us in the His life. The father Jesus to the cross so that we would be grafted into the life of Jesus. Jesus died and rose again so that we would have a place in Him for all of eternity. When Jesus said in verse three that he was going to come again and receive them to Himself, He wasn’t talking about the second coming. He was talking about Pentecost because Jesus came in the person of the Holy Spirit who makes dynamic our union with Christ. It is very true that wherever Jesus is, we are also because we are in Him. We are seated in the heavenly places because He is. He is forever clothed in our humanity and therefore we are a co-heir with Christ because we are one with Him, and what belongs to Him belongs to us.

I also see the truth about “where He is, I am also” to be very practical about my life on this earth. All of us walk while in a seated position. It sounds like a strange riddle, doesn’t it? But it is true that I am both and Him seated in the heavenly places in the moment while at the same time, He is in me squarely on earth in the moment. I often asked Him questions like, “If where you are is where I am also, where are you in this situation?” It is not a geographical question. I’m not trying to find out where Jesus is geographically. If I have the mind of Christ, then I am asking Him “where He’s at” as far as how he views and feels about a situation. If it’s a situation that is stirring up anxious or fearful thoughts in me, He will answer something like this, “I am at peace about this.” I am one with Jesus because of our union and if therefore He is at peace then I can restfully thank Him that His peace about it is my peace. I’ll say something like, “Well, then, we are at peace about this.” When I say that to Jesus, I am not saying that He is at peace, and therefore, I, as an individual, will be at peace too. I am literally saying, “If you are at peace, then, of course, I am too because we are one, therefore we in union are at peace.” You can apply that to any kind of temptation or situation, and you are simply acknowledging that Christ is your life and where “He’s at, so are you.” It is the life of glorious liberty because being in Christ means that you get to experience His experience at all times.

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