One Thing 2/24/23 The kingdom of grace


Romans 6:14 NASB95

For sin shall not be master over you, for you are not under law but under grace.


Romans 6:14 TPT

Remember this: sin will not conquer you, for God already has! You are not governed by law but governed by the reign of the grace of God.


Romans 6:14 AMPC

For sin shall not [any longer] exert dominion over you, since now you are not under Law [as slaves], but under grace [as subjects of God’s favor and mercy].



I posted these three different versions of Romans 6:14 because I wanted you to see fully what that verse is trying to say.

The kingdom of God is the kingdom of grace, and therefore because we are citizens of the kingdom of heaven, we are under the dominion, or reign of grace.

The season of Lent is a glorious season because of the extravagant emphasis on the grace of God in Christ. Far too many Christians think that Lent is the season to turn inward in morbid introspection in search of any sin yet unveiled so that our pursuit of holiness can be expedited. This is so contrary to the gospel of grace because the grace of God has come to unbend us away from looking to ourselves. Grace is the loving roar of Aslan toward us to unbend us until we are fully counting on Him alone as our holiness. Jesus in Mark 1 said, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is here; repent and believe in the gospel.” The Holy Spirit is busy convicting us of our righteousness in Christ, which is ours as a free gift, so that we can repent of being bent towards ourselves and believe in the Good News of grace, which liberates us to shout,” Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God.” 2 Corinthians 3:5.

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