One Thing 1/7/15

Song 3:6  “Who is this coming up from the wilderness
Like columns of smoke,
Perfumed with myrrh and frankincense,
With all scented powders of the merchant?
John 16:33 “These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”

Song of Solomon 3:6-11 is amazing set of scriptures. It tells of the victorious Risen Bridegroom, coming to escort His Bride safely through the wilderness of this fallen world, to arrive at their glorious wedding, which the Bridegroom describes as the “day of His gladness of heart,” in verse 11.
Our assurance that He can safely lead us through the dangers of this wilderness is that He Himself has already passed through this fallen world victoriously. In the incarnation He clothed Himself with our human experience and He overcame.
The question The Holy Spirit asks in verse 6 is “Who is this coming up out of the wilderness.” The answer is obvious. It is Jesus who became flesh, and lived as one of us, tempted in every way like unto us, yet He, as the Son of Man, lived victoriously.
The biggest enemy this fallen wilderness has to offer is death, and He even conquered that. Myrrh is the death spice, and frankincense is the spice of resurrection. Jesus conquered death and came “up from the wilderness” in total victory. He walked through this world, as man, victoriously, and overcame the worst (death) that the world had to threaten Him with.
In this world (wilderness) you WILL have tribulation, but take courage; He has overcome the wilderness. If He has conquered death, and He is with, and in you, will you face anything in this world that He isn’t able to overcome on your behalf. He knows how to WIN in the wilderness, and He has come to you, and to live in you, to escort you victoriously to your Heavenly Wedding.

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