One Thing 12/3/15

In John 10:10 Jesus says, “I came that you might have life and have it more abundantly.” In first John chapter 5 The Holy Spirit said through John, “he who has the Son, has the life.”

Throughout the night last night, in my dreams and whatever I would awaken, I kept hearing these words spoken into my spirit; “We don’t fight for a place, we fight from a place.” The Holy Spirit was simply reminding me that the devil would like for us to waste our time fighting for a place in the Lord that we already have. When Jesus said that He came that we might have life and have it more abundantly, He was declaring to us that The Abundant Life is impossible without His presence. He had to come for us to be able to posses it. The reason for that, is that He is it’s very source. It is actually His Life. The word life there is the word Zoe, which is the life that exists in God.
It is heavenly life. Another term for it is eternal life. Eternal life is first and foremost about a quality-of-life, not about chronology, or time. Again, it is a supernatural life that exists in God, that was displayed by Christ on the earth.
According to the tenses in that John 10 passage, you continually possess that life, and an overflow of it; and according to first John five if you have Jesus then you already have that life.

Have you ever wished that you had a better quality Christian life. Do you find yourself doing all that you know to do to obtain that kind of life; a victorious life, where things like supernatural joy, peace, and love are your continual experience. Here’s what you need to understand; you’ve already got it. It is already yours in Christ. It became yours at your new birth. We fight the good fight of faith from that place that we already have, not for that place that we hope we can attain to. Jesus has already attained it for you and gave it to you as a free gift the moment you became a Christian.

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