One Thing 12/3/14

Song 3:1  “On my bed night after night I sought him
Whom my soul loves;
I sought him but did not find him.
Song 3:2 ‘I must arise now and go about the city;
In the streets and in the squares
I must seek him whom my soul loves.’
I sought him but did not find him.
Song 3:3 “The watchmen who make the rounds in the city found me,
And I said, ‘Have you seen him whom my soul loves?’
Song 3:4 “Scarcely had I left them
When I found him whom my soul loves;
I held on to him and would not let him go…

We find Him; that is we fulfill His desire that where He is, we may be also, Jn.14:3, by seeking Him on His terms not ours. Comfort can be a great curse that keeps us from rising up and going away with Him to new heights in Christ. When The Holy Spirit fills us we begin to dream dreams, and have visions of how far we can go in God, and when the voice of the Turtle Dove whispers into our hearts to Rise Up and “excel still more,” in our seeking, He is grieved when are slow and casual in our response. It’s The Holy Spirit that magnifies and glorifies Christ in us, and when He is grieved, the vibrant sense of Christ’s manifest presence is suppressed. The Fire grows dim. Never forget that if you want more, it’s because The Holy Spirit has ignited that passion in you, but it always means that He wants more. To the degree that He possesses more of you, in your pursuit, is the degree that you will experience more of Him. May His “unbearable absence” cause a “riot in your heart” to rise up for more.

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