One Thing 12/26/13

Song 8:7 “Many waters cannot quench love,
Nor will rivers overflow it;
If a man were to give all the riches of his house for love,
It would be utterly despised.”

Fo the sake of love a person is willing to pay any price. A man in love will gladly sacrifice anything without counting the cost. The source of spiritual violence, that intentionally and aggressively seeks the presence and will of God, is love, not fear. Lovers are the most radical people in the world. They live excessive lives in their pursuit of presence, and their desire to show the object of their love how much they love. Hunger begets satisfaction, which begets greater hunger, which begets greater satisfaction, which begets….and so on. Love’s hunger is a great frame of heart and mind, because it cultivates an extraordinary pursuit which brings an extravagant reward. Love’s hunger drove Him to not count the cost in His pursuit of us, may we love Him back with the same hunger. Our level of hunger and faith determines how high we soar in the heavenly places, where we have already been seated.

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