One Thing 12/20/16

John 15:9,  “Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in My love.”
John 17:23, “ I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, so that the world may know that You sent Me, and loved them, even as You have loved Me.”

To abide in His love we must have some understanding of what His love is like. The scripture tells us that “God is love.” God has patience, and purity, and power, and wisdom and etc., but He doesn’t just have love; HE IS LOVE. We also know that God is one, who eternally exists as three distinct persons. God is Trinity. Therefore, God has forever lived in community with Himself, and because God is love, He lives, and has always lived in an atmosphere of shared love. God the Father loves God the Son. God the Son loves God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit fiercely loves the Father and the Son, and so on, among the three persons of the Godhead. In light of that, what does God’s love for God look like. For one, it is immeasurably wholehearted, and passionate. Secondly, it is unending. There are no pauses, or fluctuation. Finally, God absolutely DELIGHTS in loving God. God lives in perpetual God sized joy in loving each person of the Godhead. That’s why Ps. 16 says that in His presence is fullness of joy.
Having said all of that, and of course there is so much that could be said about this, look at what those two verses in John says. Jesus said “JUST AS THE FATHER LOVED ME, SO I HAVE LOVED YOU.” Then He said in 17:23, “SO THAT THE WORLD MAY KNOW THAT YOU… LOVED THEM, EVEN AS YOU HAVE LOVED ME.”
In other words; God loves you the same way that God loves God. Let that sink in; God loves you and me the same way God loves God. I don’t know if that causes the same kind of life-changing, gloriously heart-wrecking earthquake in your reality as it does in mine; but if it does then nothing will ever seem the same, feel the same, or look the same to you again. He said for us to “Abide in His love.” He wants us to set up house there, dig in there, and to never, ever stray from there.

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