One Thing 12/3/18 Abundant life, and how we got there

If you really know who you are in Christ, then you are grateful for how you got there. Jesus said that He came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. In verse 10 of John 10 just before the statement is made about abundant life, it says that the enemy has come to kill, steal, and destroy. The good news is that after all his efforts to accomplish that, Jesus follows with his liberating grace that transforms us into life more abundant. When I say “In Christ,” I’m talking about the fact that in your new birth you were born into union with Jesus. Jesus accomplished that union at the Cross through your co-crucifixion, burial, and resurrection with Him. When you were born again you were simply birthed into that experientially which Jesus had already accomplished for you, and the result is the your life is one with his, and you get to now experience the absolute supernatural joy of Jesus Himself miraculously living his life, and telling his story through your unique humanity. This certainly is abundant life in Christ. Can you imagine Jesus himself clothed in your humanity going about your day being who he is, and doing what he does, through your personality. Wow!

You see, the enemy has tried to kill, steal, and destroy your life from the moment you were born in the natural, and as a result of that he has used all kind of fallen things, and fallen people to cultivate brokenness in our lives; but the astonishing good news of the gospel is that the Lord Jesus comes and redeems everything that the enemy has done to us. 2 Corinthians 12:9 says that in our weaknesses the strength of Jesus is made perfect. Think about what that means. In every broken place that the enemy has accomplished in our lives, Jesus takes and fills those places with his wholeness, and his total adequacy, so that all those wounds cry hallelujah as they give expression to his supernatural all sufficiency. In Christ, not only do all those broken places not disqualify us from living the life that is abundant; instead, they literally position us to live by faith, and utter dependence on Jesus to live his life through us, because our brokenness has instructed us that apart from Him we can do nothing, and our union with Christ guarantees us that we never again have to try to do anything apart from his supernatural ability.

Everything, and every body that the enemy used to try to destroy your life, the Lord stole back from the thief, and uses all that negative stuff to teach you that Christ is all, and is in all. Therefore, knowing who I am in union with Christ, I am very grateful for how I got here. All the bad stuff simply postured me to discover, and experience all the good stuff in Christ.

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