One Thing 12/14/22 Do you understand your greatness?


Matthew 11:11 NASB95

Truly I say to you, among those born of women, there has not arisen anyone greater than John the Baptist! Yet the one who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.



What an amazing statement for Jesus to make. John the Baptist was the last of the Old Testament prophets. He was the last of the Old Testament spiritual heroes, and Jesus said compared to all of the others, John was the greatest. Think about some of the great men and women of the Old Testament and the kind of anointing they walked in. Think of Moses, Elijah, Elisha, Ruth, Esther, and David, just to name a few. Jesus said that John the Baptist was greater than all of those, and then he made this astounding comparison. He said that the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than the greatest of all the Old Testament spiritual giants. The word “least” is the Greek word “micros,” which we get “micro” from. He is talking about the smallest, the weakest, the seemingly most insignificant Christian carries more greatness than even the greatest in the Old Testament. Why does he say that? He says it because every Christian is a Christian because they are in union with Christ and therefore carry the greatness of the life of Christ in them as their very life. No Old Testament believer compares to Jesus and the life He lives and the anointing and favor He walks in; therefore, remember the gospel, “our inclusion in the life that Jesus lives, and the favor He is worthy of.” You and I aren’t Jesus, but we are in union with Him, and therefore Jesus is what God believes about you and me. Christians live such small lives because they don’t know who they are. All that Jesus is, and all that Jesus has, and all that Jesus is capable of is the substance of who you are in Him. The smallest drop of spring water placed in the Pacific Ocean becomes part of something much bigger than it ever was as a small drop of unsalted water. It’s total identity is transformed. Every believer is in this position of greatness because of the grace of God. Christ changed the world. Grace changed your world. Grace changed everything about you.

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