One Thing (1/16/12)

 8 “[m]Listen! My beloved!
Behold, he is coming,
Climbing on the mountains,
Leaping on the hills!
9 “My beloved is like a gazelle or a young [n]stag.
Behold, he is standing behind our wall,
He is looking through the windows,
He is peering through the lattice.

 10 “My beloved responded and said to me,
‘Arise, my darling, my beautiful one,
And come along.
11 ‘For behold, the winter is past,
The rain is over and gone.
12 ‘The flowers have already appeared in the land;
The time has arrived for [o]pruning the vines,
And the voice of the turtledove has been heard in our land.
13 ‘The fig tree has ripened its figs,
And the vines in blossom have given forth their fragrance.
Arise, my darling, my beautiful one,
And come along!’”

 14 “[p]O my dove, in the clefts of the [q]rock,
In the secret place of the steep [r]pathway,
Let me see your [s]form,
Let me hear your voice;
For your voice is sweet,
And your [t]form is lovely.”


Whenever the Lord calls you up to a new place in Him, there are just some things you have to let go of. The new summit is awesome, but the price may be painful. You have to decide if it’s worth it. The Lord will love you if you stay below, for that place is His place too. The real question is, how high do you long for. If the highest heights are what you dream of, then the climb requires you to let go of some stuff, maybe even good stuff. We are in a climbing season. The slopes are prepared. The new Vista is waiting. How bad do you want it? Will you camp in the Foothills, or will you suffer the joy of pushing onward. Pushing upward. Have a great day CLIMBING.

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