One Thing 10/4/14

Song 2:7 ¶ “I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem,
By the gazelles or by the hinds of the field,
That you do not arouse or awaken my love
Until it pleases.

The daughters of Jerusalem are those who know Jesus, and can even be committed church goers, but are content to live in the shallows. The lovesick are being controlled by the love of Christ, and are driven by a holy madness, and it is reflected by their passionate lives. Sometimes they are judged as being “so heavenly minded that they are no earthly good.” The truth is, we will never be any good on earth until we are heavenly minded enough. Only the radical ones, who live in the trance of a lovesick heart, carry experientially the mind of Christ into every situation. Jesus is warning the ones who have settled for half way to not awaken the wholehearted out of their holy-wrecked condition. He references the gazelles and the hinds because they are very sinsitive. He is asking others to be sensitive to the Shullamites glorious state. The word “holy” means “set apart, unique, other.” He wants us to be so surrendered, so other, so radically in love that He warns others to not disturb us. He puts a sign on our hearts that says, “Do not disturb.” He did say in Luke 10 that Mary had chosen the better part, and that it wouldn’t be taken away from her. He protects our choice to be lovesick.

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