One Thing 10/30/17


John 10:10, “ The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”


The thing about a thief is that thieves take things that belong to someone else. Another way of saying that, is that they can’t be a thief unless somebody already has something that the thief can try to steal. The point that I’m trying to make is this; if you are under a fierce spiritual attack, then that is proof that you already own something that the enemy is trying to steal. It is evidence that you are in possession of something precious that is threatening to the enemy. It is often taught that fierce attacks from the enemy are indicators that you are about to experience a breakthrough in the Lord and the enemy is trying to keep you from that; but I would like for you to consider that if you are under fierce attack it is actually proof that you’ve already broken through, and the enemy is simply trying to steal what is already yours, to keep you from walking it out.

S.S. 4:7-8, “You are altogether beautiful, my darling,
And there is no blemish in you.
“Come with me from Lebanon, my bride,
May you come with me from Lebanon.
Journey down from the summit of Amana,
From the summit of Senir and Hermon,
From the dens of lions,
From the mountains of leopards.”

These mountains of Lebanon (By the way, Lebanon, and the cedars of Lebanon speak of the New Creation in Christ) and its peaks are the places of encounter and revelation (breakthrough) Jesus is calling His Shulamite down from the mountain of revelation, and encounter to join Him in the daily walking it out in the valley of everyday reality. Notice that Jesus says that those mountains also have dens of lions and leopards on them. The place of revelation and encounter is the place of breakthrough, but when breakthrough occurs there are always the lions and the leopards fiercely attacking to steal our breakthrough, so that we can’t walk it out in the valley of daily living.
If you are under fierce attack today don’t start begging God for breakthrough so that you won’t have to go through such attacks anymore. Instead, be encouraged at the fact that the warfare you are encountering is proof that you have already broken through, and that you simply need to walk in faith in the truth you’ve broken through into, ignoring the lions and leopards that are assaulting your mind and emotions. Those attacks are actually affirmations, not accusations.






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