One Thing 11/11/15

Col. 3:11 a renewal in which there is no distinction between Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and freeman, but CHRIST IS ALL, AND IN ALL.

That is such a remarkable verse, especially those last six words that says “Christ is All, and in All.”
Full surrender to, and full discovery of Christ as your All, normally comes in a place of spiritual crisis that can be precipitated buy some external crisis, but when it comes it is the great day of liberation for the seeking and longing soul. The Lord has caused my redeemed imagination to soar the heights at the thought of Christ as my All. The wonders of that reality are almost beyond imagining in its limitlessness. I think that it somehow is a part of that extraordinary position of being “seated in the heavenly places in Christ.” As my ALL, He triumphs over everything, and is rivaled by nothing, and no one. There can be no demon; no sin; no relationship; no position in this world, nor any possession, that can equal Him who is All.
It can truly be said, in the place of desperation; “when you discover that Christ is All you have, and that you have His ALL, He becomes All you need, and in the end ALL you want.”

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