One Thing 10/2/20 All Christians are, but aren’t the same

The Lord doesn’t have favorites, but everyone doesn’t experience the same level of favor.

There are three occasions in the gospel where Jesus takes three of the apostles, Peter, James, and John, aside from the rest.

First, in Matthew 5, it is the raising of Jairus’ daughter from death. Jesus had the three accompany Him into the room where her body lay, and he restored her to life (vs. 37).

Second, in Matthew 17, He had the three accompany Him to a mountaintop where he was transfigured. As He shined forth brighter than the sun, Moses and Elijah, long gone from this world, appeared and discussed matters with Him.

The final time was on the night before His crucifixion. He asked Peter, James, and John to accompany Him as He went to a secluded spot to pray for strength as He faced His hour of suffering (Matthew 26; see verse 37).

Maybe Jesus’s closest friends who weren’t apostles were the siblings Lazarus, Mary, and Martha. Jesus loved them all the same, but there seemed to be something unique about Mary’s relationship with Jesus. Almost every time we see her mentioned in Scripture, she is at the feet of her Lord, who was the obvious love of her life. Does any Christian have more grace in their life than any other Christian? Absolutely not, but some Christians seem to steward more of the grace that has been deposited in them than others do. God never sets boundaries in our relationship with him, but unfortunately, we often do. In the Song of Solomon, the Shulamite was not loved more by Jesus than the Daughters of Jerusalem, but the Shulamite chose to break out of the crowd and remove all boundaries in her heart from apprehending that for which she had been apprehended. Colossians 3:11 says that Jesus IS ALL and is in all. The choice is up to each of us how much we will pursue experiencing as much of the ALL as we possibly can in this lifetime. We possess ALL, but how much of ALL do we experience and manifest. Here is an important question, does the One who is ALL possess ALL of us practically and experientially. To the degree that we are possessed with experiencing Him, will be the degree that we will be  possessed by Him, and will therefore manifest Him.

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