One Thing 3/4/23 Repentance and the mind of Christ

I was thinking about the word repentance and decided to look up both the Hebrew and Greek word “repent.“ The Hebrew word means “to turn back,“ but the Greek word means “think with,“ or “ think together.“ The Holy Spirit wrote both the Old Testament and the New Testament and so why didn’t He pick a word that means the same thing in both. He could have done that. Why didn’t Hebrew word and the Greek word mean the same thing, because it seems to me that repentance is repentance. I believe the Lord has shown me the answer to that question. In the old testament when people repented they were turning back to God, but after the Cross we are in union with God through Christ, and because of that union we actually “have the mind of Christ.“ 1 Corinthians 2.

As New Testament believers we are called to think with Christ, and therefore from Jesus’s mind about all things. New Testament repentance acknowledges the fact that we are one with Jesus, and anytime we get deceived into thinking anything about ourselves or others, or situations, or temptations that isn’t from the mind of Christ then we need to repent – and start participating in the mind of Jesus again. Romans 8 says that the “mind of the Spirit” (same thing as the mind of Christ) is life and peace. Of course Jesus doesn’t perceive or think anything that is laced with, anger, offense, fear, anxiety, criticalness, self pity, etc. His every thought projects life and peace, therefore that should be what we experience and project, because His mind is our mind. As Christians we are supposed to live “out of our minds,“ and in union with His. It’s a new normal for New  Creations.

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