One Thing 1/30/23 How to love those who are hard to love


1 Corinthians 13 states, “love never fails.” This, of course, is talking about the love of God because the word used here is “agape.” In this chapter, we are called to walk in love, and we are told what love looks like, but this love that we are called to walk in is the love of God. It is, therefore, a supernatural kind of love that transcends our ability as independent selves. In Christ, you and I are individual selves, but the independent self who tries to make life work by his or her own strength, even a godly life (especially a godly life), was crucified 2000 years ago. Therefore if you and I are trying to love someone out of our own sincere and strenuous best effort, then we are living an illusion. As Christians, our lives are “hidden in union with Christ in God;” Colossians 3:3. In light of that, we are not called to try and imitate the love of God toward someone. Instead, we are privileged to participate in the love of God manifest through us towards others. I’ve had people tell me things like, “It is so hard to love that person.” It is only hard because you are trying to love them as if you were an independent self doing it for God. When Christ loves someone through us, it is not hard for him at all, and our joy is simply to embrace in childlike faith Jesus being Jesus through our humanity. Let me give an example from my own life. A while back, I was talking to the Lord about someone that I was grieved over because instead of them reciprocating my love for them, they were withdrawing and rejecting. I told the Lord that they were hurting me, and I had a strong desire to withdraw from them to protect myself. I told the Lord, “I don’t know what to do.” In response, Jesus spoke in my inner man, but it was almost like an audible voice because it was so clear. He said, “We should love that person more,” and then He said, “I do. Will you join me?” I love the way Jesus said that to me because even though He is “my life” in every sense of the word, He was calling me or inviting me to participate in the life that He lives. He was asking me to embrace the fact that He is my life and that He is the one who loves supernaturally through me. He wanted me to enjoy the miracle of that life. I remember thinking, “I am already joined to You by nature, and so, of course, I say yes.” The result was I embraced His love (now experientially our love) for that person. It was so easy, and so effortless, and so supernatural, and thus so liberating. In our weaknesses, His strength is made perfect..

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