The gospel is so simple and yet it is so huge it is unimaginable. The gospel is this, “Our inclusion in the life that Jesus lives, and the favor He lives under.” That’s really simple and yet it is vast. The gospel is embraced by faith, and yet it’s not that the gospel demands faith, but that the gospel actually produces faith. Faith is required to be able to experience the good news but we don’t get more faith by trying to have more faith. Faith comes from hearing about the good news, and the good news is much bigger than what most Christians have ever imagined. Therefore, if you’re having trouble with faith then I don’t encourage you to work on your faith; instead, I encourage you to examine the wonders of the gospel. The fact that you and I have been grafted into the existence of Jesus and because of that, He has been grafted into our daily existence, is enough when grasped to cause childlike faith to bust out in our lives like an exploding piñata. Think of the possibilities of your life in Christ; His life in you. Think of how that changes everything about your story, past, present, and future. It is mind-boggling, and heart expanding for faith is a matter of the heart, not the head. Let your heart dictate to your mind and not the other way around so that your mind can be caught up in a holy imagination concerning what it actually means to participate personally, moment by moment, in all that Jesus is and all that Jesus has. After all, the truth of this Narnian story is that Jesus came that you personally might have the abundant life that Jesus lives.