One Thing 1/17/23 FOR SELMA


Whenever the enemy hurls horrific attacks it is because you are either on the precipice of a breakthrough or already in the early stages of one, and are about to advance more. He’s frightened. He knows that any advance on your part will cause him will lose ground which he will never recover.
The devil is blinded by pride and hatred for anything that glorifies Jesus. Because of His pride and blind rage, he doesn’t realize that his evil assault will only accomplish what he is so terrified of. His rage will be used by God to accelerate and enlarge our breakthrough. In the end, God always gets the headlines. Remember, the resurrection happened when it was still dark. The sun did come up, and when it did it revealed a whole new world; a whole new humanity. In the darkness God creates masterpieces yet to be revealed, but they will be.

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