If you will spend time in praise, you will build a highway for God to travel on to bring real healing and deliverance to the captive and the imprisoned(spiritually and emotionally and situationally), the widow, the fatherless, and the lonely. Part of the enemies strategy is to release different kinds of assaulting spirits to kill, steal, and destroy. He is releasing angels of death to bring despair, darkness, discouragement, depression , and despondency. Our weapon is the presence of the Lord who will arise and scatter our enemies as we enter into praise and worship. Remember that in our Baptism we are immersed into the crucible of a winner takes all cosmic conflict that has already been won by our risen King. Our adventure is to follow Him manifesting His victory one day at a time. We will reign with Him forever as His Bride, and on this earth we learn how to be Overcomers through the Gift of Battle. Psalm 68 is a key place to get a word and find your strategy to live as an overcomer at this time.