We are in a time of Firsts. Many people who have been preparing themselves to be used by God any way He chooses, by simply walking in the Spirit everyday, are going to experience firsts. You will see your first sign and wonder. You will see your first healing, or have for the first time someone get healed that you pray for. You will get your first prophetic word, or word of knowledge, etc. you will lead your first person to Christ, or be invited to speak in a public setting for the first time. You will write your first book. It could be any area that represents Firsts in your life.
I also believe there is another element to this Firsts word. Joel 3, talks about a Valley of Decision and a time of Harvest. We are entering into a time of extraordinary harvesting. A time of harvesting the glory, and the promises, and the purposes of God. The level of harvest that you will enjoy is going to be totally dependent on what you do in the valley of decision. There are those who are still content to have a relationship with Christ that doesn’t involve radical surrender. This isn’t just true about individuals, but also Cities, and Nations. The decision in that valley is all about Firsts. Colossians 3:18, says, “He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the first- from the dead; so that He Himself might come to have FIRST place in everything. The KJV uses the word PREEMINENCE. Will you decide to make Christ FIRST, PREEMINATE in your life. The Lord spoke to me and said ” people want to partner with me, but I don’t want people to partner with me. I want people to fall down and worship me.” He wants to be the One Thing in your life. Not the only thing, but the One Thing. If, in the Valley of Decision you take you relationship with Him to a new level where He becomes FIRST, then you will have your harvest, but if not, you will stand on the sidelines watching other people reap their harvest in God. Some of you are actually in a valley situationally, and emotionally, because He is trying to press you to choose Him at a more exclusive level.
I believe we will see news reports about Firsts in the natural, as affirmation concerning both aspects of the word about Firsts.