THE LOVESICK CHRIST: Song of Solomon Conference

Cathedral of Christ The King Selma, AL 1204 Highland Ave, Selma, AL, United States

Listen!  My beloved!  Behold, he is coming... Song of Solomon 2:8 We were all created to love and be loved. It's the longing of our hearts and it's fully, completely and utterly satisfied in Christ, who is passionately lovesick for YOU! You are His beloved and He is coming for YOU. This is His invitation […]


Lazarus Weekend Winter

Cathedral of Christ The King Selma, AL 1204 Highland Ave, Selma, AL, United States

Lazarus Weekends were developed as a way to help people get past the obstacles that block their spiritual and emotional growth. Once these obstacles are removed, people are able to experience personal revival and enter into Christ-like ministry with more freedom and power. They are led by Chuck Jones in collaboration with 60 or more […]


In Union With Christ Conference – Canton, GA

Christ the Redeemer 2106 East Cherokee Drive, Woodstock, GA, United States

March 3-5, 2019 7pm nightly Aslan Roars will be partnering with Christ the Redeemer in Canton, GA to create an atmosphere for the presence of God to ignite revival in people’s hearts through worship, teaching, prophetic words and healing prayer. Chuck Jones will be leading and ministering with an Aslan Roars team Sunday through Tuesday […]

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