The Lord showed me this vision of a great storm on the surface of the waters, yet deep below, the waters were still, and at peace.
Many are going through personal times of great storm on the surface of their lives, and collectively, and culturally we will all be experiencing great storms on the surface, but those who have cultivated the Heavenlies will harvest great peace even in the midst of the storms. God is saying, “I am teaching my people to live below the surface. Just as an infant in It’s mothers womb lives below the surface, I am teaching my Beloved to become like the smallest child and learn to live in the womb of my presence, where deep nurturing waters will sustain them. They will know the comforting sound of My heart beat, living in a realm set apart from the surface realm of storms.”
The Lord said it is not too late before the great storms come to cultivate the peace that passes all understanding. The Ancient path has never changed, seek those things that are above where Christ is; set your affections on things above, not on the things that are on the Earth. Draw near! Draw near!! Draw near, and He WILL draw near to you, and hide you there in His secret place.