While worshiping two Sundays ago the Lord gave me an amazing vision. A large number of people were sitting in a huge banqueting hall and were having a meal together. Suddenly I saw Jesus and he was standing, pointing at a door. The door was actually open, and behind that door I could see there were two other doors, and both of those doors were open. Above the doors there was a name above each as if it was indicating what room you are entering into. The way that Jesus was pointing at the doors clearly indicated an invitation to go through them into each room. Above the first door was the name REPENTANCE. Above the second door was the name HEALING, and finally above the third door, the last door, were the two words DANCE HALL. I could see into the dance hall, and what I noticed was people dancing with the Holy Spirit. Galatians 3:5 says that God continually provides us with the Holy Spirit. The Greek word “provide” comes from three different words; to bring, to dance, and upon. It literally means that God continually brings the Holy Spirit to dance upon our lives. The only condition, according to Galatians 3:5, is to walk in faith. It seemed very clear though, according to the vision, that at some point you have to get up out of your chair in the banqueting hall and go through the door of repentance and the door of healing before you can get into the dance hall with the Holy Spirit. I believe there we are coming into the season where God is saying it is time for people to stop feeding and to start dancing. This is especially true in the Western church. The Western church is historically famous in heaven for being a church that loves to feed on the word. Westerners love knowledge, and crave insight and information. There comes a time though, when we have to move past information and insight, and start dancing with the Holy Spirit. It’s time to stop reading about Christ likeness, and start manifesting it. It is not that Bible study is wrong, it’s just that Bible study, and insight into the ways of God, are meant to lead us into actual experience of the presence and power the Holy Spirit. We’ve become like those who are forever gaining knowledge of the truth, while denying the power of the truth. The Holy Spirit is longing to dance on our lives so that we can give a valid expression and re-presentation of the risen Lord Jesus. We are in a time when Jesus is inviting people to rise up out of their feeding chair and to go to the door of real repentance. You can’t get to the room of healing without first going through the room of repentance. Repentance is the place of owning your stuff in light of his unconditional love and mercy. It prepares our hearts and softens our conscience so that we can experience healing, so that we are released to walk in faith in the dance hall. The Lord said it’s time to ask him to take out his lantern and to search the dark corners of our heart so that we can experience healing and freedom. In the vision all the doors were open, at least halfway open, so that we could see all the way into the dance hall, so all could see the signs and wonders of the joy of dancing with the Holy Spirit. Many people around the world and especially in the West are beginning to catch a vision of what it could be like to have the Holy Spirit dance upon their lives. And he’s given us a glimpse of that so that we would long for the whole experience. We can hear the sounds; we can see the sites, and we get small glimpses of a life that looks like the life that Jesus lived. What seemed very clear though in the vision, is that there were no shortcuts. You have to go through the doors of repentance and healing first. We are rapidly moving towards a place where the whole world will become a dance hall for the bride of Christ and the Holy Spirit. I don’t mean by that the whole world will become light; Isaiah 60 makes it very clear that as we move toward the end the darkness will get darker while the light will get lighter. What I do mean, is that throughout the world the church will be dancing with the Holy Spirit in miraculous Christlike holiness, and the signs and wonders ministry of Jesus. Jesus said from The Cross “It is finished.” That phrase is written in such a way that it means it was completely finished in the past with continual present tense results. The Holy Spirit is saying go through the door of repentance and complete it; “finish it” up to date, and then “finish” the healing of your inner man so that you can leave those broken nets behind and enter THE DANCE. LIFE WITHOUT NETS IS AWESOME.