Prophetic Words

Chuck Jones’ prophetic words posted for your edification and intercession.


PiratesJune 2011 There once was a stronghold for pirates off the coast of Jamaica called Port Royal and it was built on a little island, right off the coast of Jamaica, where Kingston is now located. There were so many buildings there, it looked like buildings were hanging off the island over the water. As

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Pakistan earthquake 5/28/11 The Lord showed me that there was an earthquake coming to Pakistan, a devastating earthquake. I can’t say for sure that I know this is a physical earthquake, this could be an earthquake other than literal. The Lord did show me that there is an earthquake coming and that there are things

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False religions

False religionsMay 24, 2011 The Lord showed me that especially in America, but not just in America, in Europe as well as other places like Africa, that there are false religions that are rising up, disguised as biblical Christianity and they are not. We must be careful during this time of emerging revival that we

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Mayday 5/2/2011   The 2 most important days in the satanic calendar for satanic worshippers are Halloween and May the 1st, known as May Day. The may-pole dance that children participate in is a demonic act of worship. On this day, May 1st, one of the 2 most evil days in the satanic calendar, Osama

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