Bulgaria stays on my heart.
Chuck Jones’ prophetic words posted for your edification and intercession.
I heard the Lord say,TIMING IS EVERYTHING. This is very critical right now. Significant battles will be won or lost according to timing. You must move with Jesus at His pace. Don’t be governed by anything other than His movements. Move circumspectly with you eyes fixed on Him, and only spring into action when he
Timing is Everything Read More »
The Lord spoke a clear word to me this morning about all this who want to expel Israel to it pre 1967 borders. The territories won by Israel in the 6 days war were given by God in supernatural victory to provide protection form those who desire to annihilate Israel. God also meant to use
The enemy of our souls loves to operate in darkness as a deceiver. He does most of his damage unnoticed because people are insensitive to the Holy Spirits warnings and conviction. In this season, the Lord is healing our spiritual nerve endings so that we we become much more sensitive to the Holy Spirit exposing
I was awakened in the middle of the night startled with the word Taiwan! I don’t know any more than that. Pray.
September 30, 2011 We are coming into a season of harvest. Many will harvest the promises and proclamations. Those who have been harvested and winnowed by the Holy Spirit and have been to the threshing floor will be accelerated into the purposes of God for their lives. Those who fear is it too late
Word given on Rosh Hashanah Read More »
Tomorrow 9/22/11 will be a vey prophetic day. Jesus said that The Holy Spirit is like a wind; you can hear it’s sound, but it blows where it wishes, and you do not know where it comes from or where it is going. Tomorrow, on the Hebrew calendar is the day that the dove brings
9/22/11 A significant day in the spirit Read More »
Many in these days will find a new freedom to preserve. Many whose walk with the Lord has been patterned by highs and lows that break up spiritual resulting in inconsistent harvesting will move into an unbroken rhythm. God is rewarding those who have been persistent even though they have been up and down in
A Spirit of perseverance 9/7/11 Read More »
The Lord spoke to me this morning that “There is a rise of antisemitism on the earth; even in this country. This is a Powerful demon that uses many disguises including theological ones”. It is becoming increasingly inconvenient to be Israel’s friend. It’s becoming the “In Thing” to blame Israel for everything. Don’t ever imagine
Antisemitism 9/6/11 Read More »
Counting today, we have 123 days left in this year. I believe that the Lord said that sone of you have been trying to find some answer to a problem, or being trying to solve an issue, or have been stuck in some situation for some time now and need an answer or a breakthrough.
One, two, three. 8/31/11 Read More »