Daily Devotional

Devotionals written by Chuck Jones to encourage and build up the body of Christ.

One Thing 4/10/12

Well, we began our Easter journey yesterday. The historical church celebrates Easter as a 50 day season; not just a single day celebration. I’m so grateful for that, because it’s a reminder that We are Easter People, and the reality of the Resurrection is something we experience and celebrate everyday. One of my favorite C.S. […]

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One Thing 4/6/12

The Great Prince driven by divine madness throws Himself on the altar of sacrifice, for the sake of His promised, yet condemned bride, releasing her forever from her guilt and shame, and demonstrating before the whole world, and in her eyes, a love that has never been seen before, but only told about in stories

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One Thing 4/4/12

As we continue to contemplate the relentless love of Christ that drove Him to the Cross on Friday, it’s interesting to consider that of all the Disciples only John stood at the Cross. In reality, scripture tells us that initially all the Disciples fled, including John. At some point though, John turned around and went

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