Song of Solomon 2:15: ‘Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines for our vines have tender grapes.”
It is the little foxes” that try and spoil the vines. The enemy knows that if he can take your focus off of your purpose and cause you to have to clean up little messes that he has made, then you will not fulfill your destiny. Some of you have been delayed for years, because of these little foxes. Fix your heart on your purpose and on your destiny.
There are people waiting on you to set them free! The enemy will come to you especially if you have a gift of exhortation or mercy with those that will suck the life out of you, when others are awaiting your gifting to help them. Then if you figure this out, they will accuse you to others and try to ruin your reputation as a minister of the Lord (lay and clergy), delaying your purposes. This is where fixing your heart on what God has called you to do comes in.
Some of you have never learned that after so long even Jesus said to kick off the dust. Jesus here was telling them how to not be attached to things or those that would not receive His message. Luke 9:26. Fixing our hearts will be the key. It is the key to the fulfilling of your destiny. The enemy is just a distraction from the fullness of God’s calling on you and from your harvest.
The Lord says, “Rise up and bring My light in the face of great darkness. Rise up and look past all the distractions of the enemy. The world is in darkness and awaits you oh manifest sons of God. Arise Shine!”
submitted by Gail Ferguson