Beware of friendly fire 8/1/11
A couple of months ago, the Lord gave me this real clear word about friendly fire and how much the people in the army of God are killing each other. Here is the word that He gave me: One of the real tragedies of war is that many people are killed by friendly fire. Friendly fire is when you accidentally fire on your own troops or those people who are on your side of the battle. This often comes from not being sure that you have identified your enemy correctly. It has gotten much better in recent years because the equipment needed to clearly differentiate between friend and foe had gotten much more sophisticated and weaponry has become much more precise. One of the tactics of the enemy in these days is to get brothers and sisters in the body of Christ to attack each other and to misidentify the true enemy. Many are suffering from enemy fire. This will intesify in the days ahead as the enemy uses Christians as human shields to protect his own forces of evil. We’ve seen this tactic in recent months as Omar Kadafi used reporters. He would invite them to come to a certain site knowing that was a target where he or family members lived or strategic things were kept, and he would invite reporters to come from the west and then when those who were sent to blow up that place had to back off and not fire because Kadafi had used human shields. We need to understand that is exactly what has happened, whenever we see a brother or a sister and we are tempted to criticize, to fire on them, to slander or gossip about them, to judge them what we don’t understand is that behind the scenes the enemy is really doing some stuff. He doesn’t want us to recognize him. Remember that our war is not against flesh and blood/ but against powers and principalities and the forces of evil. Instead what he will do is he will use this person who may have real genuine failure to distract us from the activity of the enemy. He will use them as human shields and instead of us realizing whom our real enemy is we treat our brothers and sisters as if they were the enemies. We fire on them and we kill our own when we don’t get it that the enemy is really using them as human shields and we haven’t learned that lesson yet. This is so important in the season, it is so important for us to understand the strategy of the enemy. The enemy would love for you to continue with a critical spirit, a judgmental spirit. He would love for you to continue to use your tongue and your actions to fire on people thinking that your really focused on the true enemy instead of realizing that there just human shields that the enemy has put in front of you to distract you to really keep you from doing battle with the true powers of darkness. It is absolutely imperative that we use the most sophisticated equipment that we can in the spirit, which are the Holy Spirit and the mind of Christ so that we don’t continue to kill our own. We must be very careful that we are firing on the enemy in this war and not our own brothers and sisters, not our own fellow soldiers. Judgementalism, criticism, slander, and gossip are the outdated weapons of the flesh that cost so many of our own their lives. In this season, it is time to step back and be sure of your target and stop killing your own. You need all of them to win this war that we are engaged in. If you find that you have brothers and sisters in front of you that are wounded and confused spiritually, disoriented and have made mistakes they need to be healed not confused as the enemy to be destroyed.