This is a word given for Selma at a public service where there were people from all over Selma gathered together. The Lord started to speak to me that 50 years ago a man named King walked the streets of Selma fighting for civil rights and as a result of that he changed Selma forever, changed Alabama forever, changed this nation and in some ways changed the world forever. The Lord said that there is another man named King who’s once again walking the streets of Selma and this man is King Jesus. He’s once again fighting for rights but they are heavenly rights. It’s a right’s of the followers of Christ and once again as he walks through the streets of Selma, he will change Selma forever and will change Alabama forever it will change the nation forever and will change the nation’s forever. Once again, there is a man named King, this time the king of Kings, Jesus the King walking the streets of Selma Alabama and just he did 50 years ago, is changing things forever.