The truth that we have been seated in the heavenly places in Christ, is so profound, and so broad that we could probably spend the next year only talking about this amazing reality that is an important part of our identity. I want to shine the light on another aspect of our being seated in the heavenly places in Christ, that maybe you have not thought of. We know that Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father, and that we are seated in him in that place, of not just authority, but highest honor. To be seated at someone’s right hand, is not about a geographical position, but usually means that someone has been put into the place of highest honor. I have often told people that I am God’s favorite, and of course everyone else who is in Christ can say the same thing about themselves, but because I have been placed in Christ in the heavenly’s, in the position of highest honor, I am also in Christ the Father’s MOST FAVORED.
A lot of Christians are trying to position themselves to know God’s favor, when the truth is that Christ has already positioned us in him, in the place of highest favor. It’s too late for you to position yourself for favor; Jesus has already done it for you. Ephesians 1:3 says that we have already been blessed with every spiritual blessing, in the heavenly’s in Christ. We are in union with Christ, and have his name, and the Father can no more withhold favor from you that he can from Jesus. It’s a position that Jesus attained, and includes us in, through his finished work. All the promises of God are YES in Christ. Can you imagine God saying no to Christ concerning promises; then he cannot say no to you either. As a matter of fact, He has already said yes. Because of the honored position that you have in Christ in the heavenly’s, Philippians 4:19 says that, “God shall supply all of your needs according to his riches in glory, in Christ Jesus.” All of the rich supply of favor that belongs to the Father, belongs to Christ, and because you are seated in Christ in that place of highest honor, all those riches of God supply of favor are already yours, for whatever need you might encounter. Think about what that Scripture says; God shall supply ALL your needs, because you, in Christ, are his most favored.