Retro One Thing 01/13/2013

Jesus said in Revelation 21:5, “Behold, I am making all things new.” And He said, “Write, for these things are faithful faithful and true.”

That is such awesome news. Again, Jesus said, “I am making…” That is continual action, not just a one time thing at the end of our lives. It is something He is doing everyday. That means He never gives up on us. He never quits making us new. Even when, maybe especially when, we come to Him with new sin, asking for forgiveness and redemption, He is there making all things new.

That says to me, especially when I fail, that it’s not over; I can get up and pursue holiness again, because He wouldn’t still be working on me to be new, if He had given up on me. His ability to make all things new is much more powerful than my ability to mess all things up. The next time you fall, and the accuser of the brethren tells you that you are worthless, and that you finally blew it this time, and that you will never fulfill your destiny In Christ, tell him that he is a liar because Jesus said He is making all things new in your life, new right now, and that Jesus is faithful and true to keep that promise.

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