One Thing 5/19/15

2Cor. 4:7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves;
Never be surprised or disappointed by how vulnerable, fragile, and needy you are. Mankind was created that way. It is essential, if we are to fulfill the purpose of our creation. You see, you and I were created (fashioned) to contain, and reveal the All Sufficient, All Adequate living God. If that is true then we were created to be utterly helpless apart from His presence, and ability within us. We find our identity as BRANCHES, and branches exist to, through vital union with the Vine, receive, experience, and display Vine-Life (fruit). If you separate the branch from the vine, all the branch can do is display it’s total inadequacy, and helplessness to do anything. All that we are; our skills, talents, natural strengths were all fashioned to contain His presence and express His supernatural abilities; not to display the natural incompetence of self effort. Instead of living shocked, guilty, and intolerant with your natural weaknesses; celebrate your smallness, and start looking to Him who lives in you to perfect His strength through those weaknesses, that are fashioned to house and launch His illimitable abilities. All glory to Him.

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