TIMUR 6/19/14

Also, Timur was a Turko-Mongol 14th century leader who conquered West, South, and Central Asia. His conquest included Middle Eastern armies of Syria and Egypt. He referred to himself as the Sword of Islam. His armies were feared throughout Asia, Europe, and Africa. He was the most power Muslim ruler in the world. Timur’s armies killed over 17 million people, which at the time was 5% of the worlds population. I believe the spirit of Timur has been released in the Muslim world. I believe there is someone rising up who will, if not stopped, make Osama Bin Laden look like child’s play. I believe this person and this movement is already on the move. The name over him is Terror, not Terrorist. He has hidden motives that transcends just religious zeal. I believe this is the group that has been released in Iraq. Pray that The Lord’s hand will stretch out and stop this movement in its early stages. If not stopped, this group could quickly become Israel’s biggest threat by far.

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