The Son of Righteousness 09.04.13

I saw an image of a risen sun high in the sky, very bright and there was nothing above it.  It had its rays coming out of it like in a portrait.  Underneath that picture the Lord said he is bringing hidden sin into the light of day.  When I heard that in the spirit I knew the Lord was not saying he was going to make sin public in order to embarrass or humiliate people, but he is bringing sin forward in individual’s lives that have been hidden away in the darkness.  Things we have been holding onto even nourishing and not willing to let go of, these things have been robbing us of the fullness of the Holy Spirit in our lives on a daily basis.

The Lord said it is time to clean out the attic!  The attic is that dark place where we keep things stored away, old things, sometimes ancient things, inherited things, but the Lord said it is time to bring those things out of the attic out of darkness.  He is going to do it! You are going to find through his grace being the Son of righteousness, he is going to begin to bring things to your conscience and to your heart into the light of day where you will not be willing to live with it any more, where you will not be willing to live with all of that stuff up in the attic influencing your spiritual life anymore.  We are living in a time where the Lord is cleaning out the attic.  It’s about things we have compromised and lived with, we may even think they are just little foxes but it’s the little foxes that ruin the vineyard. The Son of righteousness is bringing sin into the light of day so we can truly repent and really acknowledge him as the exalted Son enthroned in the place of Lordship and king of our hearts.  A lot of things that we have tolerated or excused, we called sin different names other than sin, now the Lord is saying he is bringing those things into the light of day because He wants to set us free.  In Malachi 4:2 it says that the Son of righteousness will arise with healing in his wings.  God’s whole purpose is to bring healing, true inner-healing so we can start walking in real wholeness.  This is a time of real healing, not a time for condemnation or rejection because that’s not what God is doing.  He’s not bringing things to the light of day to condemn you or reject you or cause you to sink into shame and despair, it’s so he can set you free and bring healing.

Two things will happen as a result of this healing; unity and melody.  First there will be unity between our minds and our thought life.  We will no longer be obsessive, have confusion, or have fear and anxiety rule our minds.  He is bringing the peace that passes all understanding to our minds and in our thought life.  Second, he will bring a melody to our heart.  Ephesians 5:18-19 speaks of being continually filled with the Spirit, where we will then start singing psalms and spiritual songs and making melody in our heart to the Lord.  The word melody means not only singing but also moving – dancing – a dancing heart because they are so free and so full of joy.  Melody speaks of a dancing song in our heart a heart that is so free.

These two things; unity speaks of the peace that passes understanding and melody being the joy unspeakable, full of glory coming forth from a heart that dances being full of song to God.  This is one of the things that God is doing in our day.  With joyful work of conviction and repentance as the Son of righteousness arises with the purpose of bringing healing to our hearts by bringing sin to the light of day so we can be free.

Given  08.07.13


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