The British Are Coming (Forth) 4/18/12

I got this word from he Lord about the British. Britain is a place of great battle and warfare, both in the natural, and in the spirit. There will be many headlines played out in Public in the British Empire in the days to come, but I can tell you there is a story being told in the headlines of Heaven even now. “The British Are Coming (Forth).” Behind the scenes many Brits are becoming torches for Jesus and His desires for the world. There has always been a revival, and harvesting anointing on the people of Britain, and now it is being stirred up in a powerful way. No earthly Kingdom in Church history has been used by God to evangelize the world like Britain. No people have birthed so many revivals as the Brits have. Well, they are coming to places all over the world to harvest, and torch people with the fires of Revival. You will hear of many young Brits being sent out with the emperial heart of the Kingdom of Heaven to gather the people’s of the world in. Inflamed souls will go forth with the Fire of Christ in their hearts and on their feet, igniting the fires of Revival wherever they go.

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