Retro One Thing 10/17/2012

Psalms 36:8 They drink their fill of the abundance of Your house;
And You give them to drink of the river of Your delights.

This is such an enticing verse to me. That word “delight” is a rarely used Hebrew word that means “delicacies, dainties, luxuries, and the idea of tenderness.”

Just imagine the luxurious delicacies of His presence. He invites us to drink from a bottomless, and endless river of the delights of His presence and tenderness of His heart. He says in this verse that He wants us to drink our FILL, not just sip. God wants us to indulge ourselves, to spoil ourselves on Him and His beauty.

I find that the more I indulge myself on His beauty, the more I develop a craving that only He can satisfy. What a truly glorious addiction and magnificent obsession.

If you want a continuous release of endorphins that makes all of life look better, then become a Godaholic by continuously drinking your fill from the river of His delights. It will become the River of No Return.

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