One Thing 9/10/14

S.S. 1:17 The beams of our houses are cedars,
Our rafters, cypresses.

The words “our house” refers to each of our spiritual houses. It is our dwelling place with God. The word (our) specifies that this is mine and His life together. It would be equivalent to saying I’m in Christ and Christ is in me. In simple terms it is my spiritual relationship with Jesus.
Beams and rafters speak of structure, and the beams and rafters here are speaking of the structure of my life in Christ. That is, my relationship with Jesus. The structure is hidden in the house, but it is what holds the house together. Cedars in the Song of Solomon always reference the New Creation, and strength. Therefore, Cedars represent the strength of the New Man or the New Creation in Christ.Cypresses were funeral trees and therefore speak of surrender, and death to self. The word “beam” comes from the Hebrew word “encounter, or meet.” The word “rafters” comes from the Hebrew word “hair or tresses.” If you remember, Samson’s long hair represented his Nazarite vow to be radically surrendered to the heart and purposes of God. Tresses were long ringlets of hair that fell along the shoulders and the backs of women in the days of Solomon. In the last part of 7:5 in the Song Of Solomon The Bridegroom declares that He is captivated by her tresses. In other words, His heart is captivated by her surrendered life. The beams and cedars are about the strength of the New Creation, and how the New Creation experientially comes forth in us as we encounter Him again in the Hidden Place. Jesus is always calling forth the New Creation that we are in Him. The rafters and cypresses are those little funerals of love we have again, and again, in His presence, as we go deeper into a life of radical lovesick surrender. It’s is that hidden structure of encounter and surrender that allows who we truly are In Christ to grow in strength.

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