One Thing 8/23/13

Rom. 5:10 For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, it is much more [certain], now that we are reconciled, that we shall be saved (daily delivered from sin’s dominion) through His [resurrection] life.

Because the Old Man (the person you were before Christ) was taken to the place of execution in the person of Christ, you are now free to be the New Person you are In Christ. This is the great foundational truth of the Christian life. God didn’t just forgive who you were, and then pat you on the back and tell you to go and do the best you can to live for Him. Instead, He took you, as a fallen sinner to the Cross in His person, so that He could, not just pay for all you did, but that risen in HIM He could change who you are. I’m so grateful that when God does something He doesn’t do it half way. Our salvation is referred to as “So great a salvation,” because that is what it is. He didn’t just take the Old Man to the place of execution so that that my sin would be paid for In Him, but He took the Old Man to The Cross His Person so that what I was, not just what I did would be dealt with. The failures weren’t the only thing taken care of at The Cross, but The Failure was nailed to The Cross and buried, so that a totally New Creation could be raise up In Him, indwelt by Him, empowered with Resurrection Life and Energy to live a totally new and different life. Another way of spelling Resurrection is the word VICTORY, and this great Salvation of ours positions us to live in victory everyday, as opposed to the life of guilt and defeat the Old Man lived.

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