One Thing 6/3/12

“For the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law if sin and death.”

This is Romans 8:2, and it tells us that there are two laws at work in us, and one is stronger than the other. Chapter 7 says that there is a law of sin that is always at work in the members of our body. We call this dynamic the flesh. It is like a spiritual gravitational pull that is is always there in our humanity wanting to drag us into sin, in our thoughts, attitudes, and behavior. This pull is referred to as “the lusts of the flesh” in Gal. 5. Though saved, our flesh is capable of all kinds of evil, and Its pull is strong enough that all the will power in the world is not enough to overcome it. This can be extremely discouraging, and can rob you of your passion in pursuit of knowing,and loving Him more. What are you to do? Well, the reality is that something has already been done.
That verse in ROM. 8 says that the law of the spirit of life HAS set you free… At the Cross the person you used to be, whose humanity was a slave to the law of sin, died on the cross with Christ. You were crucified with Him, buried with Him, and raised up with Him sharing now His resurrection life. The law of sin is still there in your fallen body, but you now have something in you that is more powerful, and that is the Risen Christ Himself in the person of the Holy Spirit. Think about the law of gravity. Whenever you jump up, you come down, but what if there was another law like the law of aerodynamics that set you free from gravity. Not a perfect analogy, but think about it; when you get in a Plane the law of aerodynamics sets you free from the law of gravity (again, not a perfect analogy). All you have to do is rest in the Plane and let the Plane do the work. Straining and stressing won’t help keep the Plane up, and if you decide you want to see if the law of gravity is still out there, just open a door and step out. Your role in a Plane is to just sit back, and rest, celebrating the power of the law of Aerodynamics setting you free from the law of gravity. This is what we do in the spirit; when the law of sin pulls, just rest by faith, thanking God that the law of the spirit LIfe (His Life) is setting you free right now. It really is that simple. The Holy Spirit has, and is setting you free now. Just thank Him for it.

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