One Thing 5/24/12

The phrase, “You win some, you lose some,” seems to be so true in our life experiences, but the reality is, for a Christian it’s not true at all. 2 Corinthians 2:14 says, “But thanks be to God who always (that’s ALWAYS) leads us in triumph in Christ….) Wow, the truth is, no matter how it looks, Jesus is winning; always winning in the lives of those who love Him. Ephesians says that He, who is driven by kindness, is working everything after the council of His will. In the end, everything in this crazy world will sum up Christ. The bottom line is that the bottom will end up being Christ, His glory, and His purposes, which are full of kindnesses. Of course there is evil in this world, and the enemy of our soul is active, trying to kill, steal, and destroy, but Jesus Trumps it all, and Triumphs through it all. By faith, we can celebrate His victory always, since He is always winning, no matter how it looks or feels. In everything give thanks. Oh yeah, I have an announcement to make. JESUS WINS!

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