One Thing 4:16:13

I think love can be summed up with two words; sacrifice and risk. During Passion Week, and especially on The Cross Jesus demonstrated what love looks like. Jesus died unclothed with His arms stretched out, exposed to a mocking world, welcoming us to His pierced heart. He gave His all for love. He held nothing back, that He might have you and me, knowing well that some may reject Him, and that even those who embrace Him would be unfaithful to Him again, and again. Would you and I risk sacrificially loving, knowing that we will likely get hurt. I know that there are times when you have to draw physical lines when abuse is involved, but even the worst sinner needs to encounter the sacrifice of a heart forever wounded by the love of Jesus. Nothing is more risky than believing in someone, hoping for someone. Disappointment may come, but love is self denial, even denying my right to emotional self protection. Jesus gave His all, and He continues to love us, believe in us, though His eyes are wide open to the risk. His love “Never Fails,” even when we do. How about yours and mine.

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