One Thing 4/10/12

Well, we began our Easter journey yesterday. The historical church celebrates Easter as a 50 day season; not just a single day celebration. I’m so grateful for that, because it’s a reminder that We are Easter People, and the reality of the Resurrection is something we experience and celebrate everyday. One of my favorite C.S. Lewis quotes is about Easter. He said “I believe in the resurrection of Christ just like I believe in the rising of the Sun; not just because I can see it, but because by it I can see everything else.” In the catacombs in Rome there are thousands of bits of artwork on the walls where Christians expressed their faith in times of great threat. Except for maybe less that ten, none of the pictures are about the Cross. The vast majority concern the resurrection. You see, we are at an advantage because we are able to see the Cross through the lenses of the resurrection. We know the story ends in life, new life, Resurrection Life for all those who believe. The Good Friday-Easter event wasn’t ultimately about death after all; it was and is about Life; His Life; His Resurrection life making us New Persons with Resurrection power in us, equipping us to live a whole new, and endless kind of Life. Just think, because of the Easter reality, the One who conquered death lives inside of you as the source of your New Life. If He in His risen power is your ability to live life now, then what will you ever face that He isn’t Big Enough for. If He conquered death, you’ll never encounter a situation in life that He isn’t more than able to handle through you. I don’t even have to fear death, for He has already proven that death bows before Him.
Without His death for me, I could never know His Risen life in me, but if in didn’t know His Risen life in me, then His death for me would have been pointless. You see, Jesus died for me, so that risen from the dead, He could live His life in me, and through me. Thus making all things new. Everyday the Resurrection continues.
Alleluia Christ is Risen!!!!!!!

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