One Thing 3/28/12

Song of Solomon 4:9 tells us that we ravish the heart of God with a single glance of our eyes, and a single strand necklace. Yesterday, we talked about the wonder that we can ravish the very heart of God with just a single glance of our eyes. It’s amazing thing for me to reflect on the reality that fallen people like us who have broken his heart so many times are able to ravish His very heart with just one look of trusting affection in His direction. God calls us to love sickness, and He calls us to love sickness from His own lovesick heart. Of course, a neckless is worn around the neck, and the neck references the human will. This verse tells me therefore that not only does my single glance of trusting affection ravish His heart, but also one single act of loving obedience ravishes His heart.
Just think about what that means; every time we say yes to Him, and no to our flesh we ravish His heart. What a motivation to obey Him when we don’t quite feel like it. What an opportunity to love Him when we are tempted to complain about some situation He has allowed in our life, that our flesh doesn’t like. Every act of obedience and surrender becomes an act of affection that ravishes His remarkable heart. He says that our love is better than wine. WOW!!!! His greatest pleasure; let me say that again, HIS GREATEST PLEASURE is our love and affection freely given to Him. That is beyond my comprehension but it is within my grasp. Through the day today I will be presented with many opportunities to ravish His infinite heart. In every temptation, disappointment, opportunity to obey, I will be given the choice to ravish His LOVESICK heart. I still can’t get over the fact that He is Lovesick over me. I don’t even like me sometimes, and yet the great I AM is ravished by my single glance, and single act of surrender. It makes me want to GAZE and completely SURRENDER. Maybe this is part what Paul meant when he said the love of Christ controlled him. Have a great day RAVISHING. Be RAVISHING today.

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