One Thing 3/16/12

“Why should you gaze at the Shulammite,
As at the dance of the two companies?

“How beautiful are your feet in sandals,
O prince’s daughter!

These are two verses from Song of Solomon 6 and 7.
Did you know that the Christian life is described as a dance. Holiness isn’t what we’ve been told. The Church has been deceived and has been used by the enemy to lie to us. We been made to believe that holiness is all about stuff we have to give up. No more fun, and no more joy. We also been told that God who is perfect, is always disappointed, and a little ticked off with us because in our quest to be holy, we never quite get it right. For one, the “Two Companies” referred to here are heaven and earth; Christ and His Bride; you and Jesus. Our walk with Him is not some boring drudgery, instead it is called a dance. Dancing is exciting, joyful, intimate, and fun. We are called to dance with the Lion of Judah. How exciting to dance with a Lion. What an adventure. Doesn’t sound boring and strict to me. We are simply to let Him lead, keeping our eyes on Him. He celebrates your desire to learn the steps. He is thrilled you want to. That’s infinitely more important to Him than you always getting all the steps right. He enjoys you even in the awkwardness of learning how to dance. He doesn’t wait for you to get all the steps right, He enjoys you in your imperfection, and He celebrates your longings for holiness as the true you In Christ. The more you experience the joy of dancing with Him, the more stuff you will be happy to let go if it’s hindering your freedom to dance with Aslan. We will talk more about this tomorrow, but until then, enjoy the dance with all your heart today, no matter what form the dance takes. Give yourself to the adventure, In Christ.

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